Monday, December 14, 2009

Tiger launches new "multiple usage" condom.

Tiger Woods has decided to use his new found notoriety with the ladies to launch a new product. Woods has formerly appeared in ads for such companies as Gillette and GM but now he's decided to launch an entirely new product, with Durex.
Tiger says the condom, aptly named "the Tiger," is a new breed in the condom industry. It can be used multiple times and with multiple partners. As Tiger himself says, "you can have sex with a mistress, go home to your wife and have sex with her too and you never have to take the condom off." Most people would find that horribly disgusting and some even question why you would have sex with your wife while wearing a condom.
This product launch comes right after Tiger decided to take a break from the sport of golf for a while, as he recently took "a leave of absence" from the game. Maybe this condom business is a new direction for the "Michael Jordan of Golf."
"I hope to channel my indiscretions into positives and this line of condoms is a a way to do that," Tiger stated at the launch of the condom. Sources say that other items such as a dildo shaped exactly like the golfers penis, and scented oils that carry his musk will also be released shortly.
When asked what his wife, Elin, thought of the product Tiger said mournfully, "I fully expect her to try and stab me in the heart."